Wednesday, July 23, 2008

To Listen to One Another

[PHOTO RIGHT: L-R Bishop Barry L. Beisner, Bishop of the Diocese of Northern California, Bishop Duncan, and Bishop Klusmeyer, Bishop of the Diocese of West Virginia]

[BELOW LEFT: Kathy Duncan with with friends from her Bible Study; L-R: Daw, (Kathy), Elizabeth and Mary, all from Burma

Dear People of God,
More than 690 Anglican Bishops and full Communion partners from throughout the world gathered this past week for a retreat at Canterbury Cathedral. We were bused early in the morning to this historic center of Anglicanism, where we corporately spent the day in prayer and reflection. Thursday and Friday were full days lasting until 6:00PM, when we returned to the University of Kent for the evening. What a joy it was to walk the precincts of that most holy place, knowing that from the time of St. Augustine of Canterbury that place has been a place of prayer and study for the people of God, both saints and sinners.

It is a place of beautiful worship and majestic art. It is the place of martyrdom and shrine for St. Thomas Becket who was murdered in the cathedral. It is a place where prayer, both corporate and private, are offered throughout each day and have been for hundreds of years. Stone placed upon stone to make a statement of the glory of God and a place offered to God. Stones warn away by the feet of pilgrims who had walked there before us centuries ago. It is a place where we kept the silence of Holy Quiet and listened to that inner voice in the place of struggle and peace.

[PHOTO: Canterbury Cathedral]

The third day, we gathered in a large tent called "The Big Top" and completed our retreat time with Archbishop Rowan Williams offering his fifth and final meditation on leadership - personal, shared and corporate. [PHOTO: gathering under "The Big Top"]

The five meditations were offered to the bishops as a way of moving us forward into t
his Lambeth Conference time and our work together. Each of the meditations built upon the previous meditation, which formed a basis from where we began in prayer and study. I believe that this time was very important for us to frame our being together and offering it up to God for the hard work we have to do that lies ahead of us.

On Saturday evening, the Archbishop offered an address, giving us an outline and context in which to appreciate our work together. We are facilitated by some of the best Biblical, theological and historical scholars in the Anglican World. That will be a wonderful addition for our working gr

[PHOTO RIGHT: Kathy's friends from the Church of South India]

This part of the Conference has been our gathering. We asked to be formed together in prayer, to listen to the Holy Spirit; to be united in Christ, to do the ongoing work that God calls us to do; and to listen to one another, to hear what God is doing throughout the world, in and through the Church and God's people. We are blessed to be here and for this time of prayer, study, learning, building relationships and sharing the faith. I am most grateful.

In Christ's PAX,
Bishop Duncan
July 22, 2008

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