Friday, July 17, 2009

This part of the journey nears its end

(Written late Thursday evening, July 16)

Today was an interesting day which, at least for the bishops, was more relaxed and not as frenetic as the last few days. Perhaps it is because we are working in closer relationship and seeking to get all the work completed, but not invested in always having to have our own way. Nor are we seeking to make what we want the focus of what is the right thing to do. I value those with whom I often disagree because I trust them and believe that they trust me. That is a difference between our two houses. Another difference is that the House of Bishops meets twice a year during the three years between the General Conventions. Bishops are members of the House of Bishops by their office and not elected every three years. Bishops serve for the entire time they are seated as bishop within the diocese and may continue to service after retirement. Members of the House of Deputies must be elected at the diocesan convention every three years. It seems to me (having been both a deputy and alternate) that this is an important difference between the two houses.

During this General Convention a number of resolutions were enacted regarding Evangelism. A063, A065, A066 and A067 all pointed to what evangelism seeks to accomplish and encourage us to do. D027 speaks to the Mission Strategy of the Church and lists the Five Marks of Mission. These resolutions are all very fine and I hope that you will read them over and help use them within the various congregations to which we all belong. D038 is a resolution which is close to my heart. Mission Strategy for reaching Latinos/Hispanics is one which I believe our Diocese could use to grow and do ministries for the present and future. I have stated in past Diocesan Conventions this is a need, but it is still not implemented within the ongoing life and work we share. I believe I understand why that is and that makes me sad. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, pray therefore that the Lord will send more laborers into the harvest. We need to have coherence with what is needed and what we want to do. After all, this ministry is the Lord’s work and we are sent by him to proclaim and be disciples.

At our last Diocesan Convention, Stewardship was a major focus for the work and ministry we are called upon to share as the People of God.
D055 focused on tithing as the minimum standard of giving for Christians. It was offered as a challenge to all of us as we seek ways to move forward in our walk with Christ. I would commend both this resolution and the work of Stewardship, both at this General Convention and in our Diocese, to all of us. It reminds all who we are and whose we are called to be. This material also ties into the work and programs offered through our diocese. It was fine work and important work for us all.

Finally, after the House of Deputies debated the budget for a number of hours, it was brought to the House of Bishops for action. I expected it to take a few hours of work to approve the budget but it took less than ten minutes from start to finish. That was a very fine blessing for us. However, with all the cuts, we also need to find ways to do ministry and seek funds to support ministry. On a personal note, because of the cut, a consultant for Ecumenical and Inter-religious work was terminated and that is tragic. We need people who support the work and ministry that bring us together in the cause of Christ.

Tomorrow is the last day of General Convention. May Christ bring us all together in the mission and ministry we are called to offer in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

PAX, Bishop Duncan

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